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tv   The Big Picture With Thom Hartmann  RT  April 19, 2013 8:00pm-8:59pm EDT

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police activity in the area with numerous marked and unmarked police cruisers heading to franklin street in watertown we are now told that police are moving in police scanners indicate that the suspect may be in a boat under a tarp in the backyard of a building police officers are surrounding that area where the suspect is thought to be holed up the scanners indicated that they are using flash bang devices to try to get the suspect to surrender himself to forty's now let's quickly look at the two suspects at the boston marathon bombing twenty six year old thomas says not so it's not via is the man wearing a black hat and black backpack now his nineteen year old brother jeff car is the man wearing the white hat in the tan backpack police officer shot and killed an older brother tom one early this morning but just got away the situation is still extremely volatile still changing by the moment so for more let's go to the scene. original bombing actually happened that's where our t. correspondent ana stasia churkin a is located on
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a stasio what are you hearing. well megan the situation certainly seems to be reaching some kind of culmination as we as you just said flash bangs are being fired at the house where it is suspected that nineteen year olds. could be certainly this is the moment that all of us have been waiting for since the place at the final at the finishing line of the boston marathon on monday what we do know right now that certainly the situation in watertown that's just minutes away from boston seems to be at a peak the police are said to have circled in on the suspect there saying that basically anything could happen within any minute right now we're waiting to hear whether or not the nineteen year old suspect if it's him and the fact that they're surrounded right now and that is what we're hearing here on the ground whether or not he might have a hostage with him whether or not he's by himself whether or not he has any further explosive devices on him and that's certainly one of the concerns right now so really the situation is developing right now as we speak and anything could happen
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within the next couple of minutes and on associated describe the area where you are at obviously on monday that was appointed a chaotic scene that is the bridge in a location where the boston bombings happened talk to me about what the area is like right now well love right now the area seems to have calmed down somewhat after several hours of a lockdown earlier today we do know that of course now all of the action has switched to watertown over the last several hours the police presence there law enforcement helicopters military police have all the directed their attention over there we know that there is really a barrage of law enforcement over there in watertown as we speak in terms of the location here in boston where literally steps away from where the bombing took place and certainly things are calmer here right now and people are just waiting to hear what's going to happen next and earlier today timothy alvin spoke at a police presser about what's going on and he told the nineteen year old dzhokhar stars now i have to turn himself in and i want you to listen to that piece and then
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we'll come out and talk. my message to the suspect is to give himself up to stop any further violence. towards anyone in terms of where he is at this point we cannot continue to lock down an entire city or entire state we are confident that we've done what we can do here in this particular neighborhood in terms of our search and unfortunately that was not fruitful but we are redoubling our efforts and we're is committed as we were this morning towards ever handing. now on on a sunday obviously the police are going through extraordinary lengths to try to cap or should capture this man alive his secrets will die with him if he doesn't fact i talk a little bit about how the scene from just those few hours ago when he was saying we want to capture have has kind of changed to now that's still the motive right well making the scene is certainly changing on every second over the last couple of
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hours that press conference did in fact take place several hours ago where are the police said that there are no were closer to tracking him down and it is obviously being understood in the sense that maybe that is what triggered the possible suspect who is a hiding right now in this kind of lockdown with police continues to come out and kind of make himself seen and that is exactly just literally minutes after that press conference took place reports started coming out that police had surrounded in fact the structure in watertown where the possible suspect the nineteen year old suspect is believed to be and certainly the the scene has been changing tremendously and we do know that literally thousands of police officers are right now in watertown trying to track this guy down and honest acela also what happened at that press conference today governor patrick came and spoke out deval patrick he said that he wants the community cannot stay at large cannot say locked up forever and the suspect could be at large for quite some time so let me play that and we'll come back out to you. this request is lifted the t.
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is open effective immediately the. effective immediately we are asking the public to remain vigilant if you are out continue to be alert to suspicious activity unaccompanied or unintended packages in backpacks and so on remember there is still a very very dangerous individual at large now the irony here on s.r.c. is that he said that just really literally minutes before we started hearing about the rounds of the first rounds of shots being fired have you seen any residents on the streets no there are definitely residents out on the streets after after police announced that the lockdown was over there are definitely people back out on the streets in boston and certainly in watertown residents started coming out although now again because the situation is so volatile fluid and really dangerous while we wait to hear exactly what happens people have been advised to of course return to their homes and most people have done that in watertown although again in
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boston the situation is a little bit more relaxed as we speak still a very volatile situation on a saucer churkin r.t. correspondent keep us updated with the latest well let's continue our comprehensive coverage of the manhunt for these suspects numerous family members have come out to talk about the shock and the grief that they feel after finding out that these two men were the ones that this f.b.i. have been starching for all along speaking from russia this morning the father of the two men said quote my son is a true angel joe far as a second year medical student in the u.s. he is such an intelligent boy we expected him to come home to the holidays here they were set up they were set up i saw it on television they killed my son tamerlan now just a short time ago the mother of the two boston suspects spoke with our colleagues in moscow she denied that her sons were involved at all are at all here's a part of that interview. grieving from my car going through here and being
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a mother i just do what i can say is i am pretty sure i am like a hundred percent sure that this has a set up. my my true fans are really innocent and i know that my. neither of them never never have talked about whatever they are saying about now and when what i want to say is my books most of them were my my youngest one was raised actually like raised from from atheist he was raised in america and my oldest son he is. a really really proper good raised and in our house never nobody talked about the terrorism and my son tom iran really. got involved in the region. like i really do we just politics five years ago so he started
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following his own really really really religious aspect and he never he never told me that he he would be like on the side of jihad he was controlled by a b. i like for five three five feels that they knew what my son was doing so they knew what actions and what the sites on the internet he was going to how could this happen how could they they were conjoined every step of him and their take tell telling today but it is a terrorist act made for ever this is not true my two sons are innocent my oldest son who used to tell me everything every think every day every take every fifteen days my son used to call me and ask me how are you mama both of them mama we love you mama how are you we meet you it's impossible impossible for them to for both of them didn't such think so i i move really really really. really caring that the
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fees that the op my son would tell me my son made but would keep in secret so i would not all cool a vote it would be you know no link even if it's anyone who would know it could be meek he would know that you would never get from me he will tell me that but gave her even a void that was part of an interview with the mother of the two boston suspects and she gave an interview to r.t. moscow. now as you just heard both the father and the mother are in disbelief over this incident meanwhile one of the angles of the two suspects lives in montgomery county in maryland that's just north of washington d.c. this morning he gave an impassioned speech to reporters clearly upset about the fact that members of his family were involved in this tragedy so we're obviously hearing conflict in descriptions of these two suspects are correspondent liz wahl has this report from the family's neighborhood. with the massive manhunt underway in boston there are local ties here in montgomery county this is the home of
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a man by the name of ruthless arnie he claims to be the suspects will he spoke to media a short while ago here is what he had to say. hey jude those. who settle been through. these are the only reason i can imagine anything you know. anything you have to do with religion is moving it's a road it's a very very divided if you will. to news. good news. from the big. rooms. and from those who have. given is going to see people people who should. be one now knew. we were just. going to change. the
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city so a lot of attention now is on this town montgomery village as you can see there's plenty of media from all over also plenty of security and local law enforcement here patrolling the neighborhood we had five members of the f.b.i. leave the home of the uncle just moments ago we do know that the uncle is cooperating with the f.b.i. the big question now is is why welcome thompson these brothers to commit such a heinous act now i asked him when he was asked whether or not there is a kind of a could be a political motivation behind his actions he says at least in his experience absolutely not there was no family pressure that there was no history he doesn't understand why or what could have prompted them to be radicalized he actually has condemned their acts repeatedly calling them losers clearly infuriated by what is suspected to his family members here among them. county liz wahl r.t. . and update now police are using thermal imaging to track down the suspect they
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believe that because of that thermal imaging that he is in a boat in the backyard but before we continue our coverage i want to make it very clear that right now we are only going to report the facts that are coming in and we are not going to speculate about the means or the motives of these two men the fact is that we don't know why these two individuals did what they did whether or not it was an isolated attack or part of a bigger network we don't know what the current connections these men have with the republic of chechnya or any groups so we want to be very careful in describing these men now that being said this chaos is playing out in boston and it will undoubtedly have international repercussions i was joined earlier by walid faris he's an advisor to the anti terrorism caucus for the united states congress he broke down whether these attacks could have been motivated by religion or not. but if we ask this question if we are in the arab and muslim world getting our current facts in saudi arabia the holiest place of sunni islam there are al qaeda attack in
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pakistan so that was going to get along and of course is not the measurement what is measurement are statements made by these individuals or posted by these individuals of commitment not to the religion not to pray five times a day by two an ideology and the ideology mean that separating people between infidels and other establishing the caliphate the usual salafist the hardy approach which is well known in the arab world unfortunately not well you know clarify here in the west in general terms now chechen leader run son qadeer also commented that the sus on the suspects earlier today i want you to take a listen to this because we don't know anything about that sort of brothers they never lived in chechnya the media is reporting that they grew up and went to school in america so the problem is with their job bringing their we regret that this deadly tragedy took place as we know better than anybody about these things and we offer our condolences so i leaned on one hand he's offering his condolences but on
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the other he is blaming the suspects american upbringing for their alleged actions as opposed to their their backgrounds outside of the u.s. what are your thoughts on this there's a lot of chaos out here out there americans are breaking basically going to school in america does not create your hardest i wouldn't even say russian i'm bringing out if i have to be very specific the fact that you are chechen or georgian or dagestan you or russians from the greater russian state has nothing to do it's what kind of ideology you were recruited from and that is the question to see what kind of internet resources they have who did they meet and it's not just about those chechens we had an american born anglos we had asians we have african-americans we have now we see in mali in other places and variety of ethnicities and a variety of sectarian s.p.v. ation what brings together all these elements if they are terrorist is an ideology a sort of if you how does it. that was wally farris adviser to the anti-terrorism
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caucus for the united states congress a quick update for you we are just finding out now that there has been word and reports of a fire possibly on that boat we cannot say for sure or not whether that fire was caused by the suspect himself or by the possible flash bangs that the police forces were using but we will get those updates as soon as they come in now for more on the origins of the suspects family and the history of chechnya i was joined earlier by john didak he is a president of the group known as arc angels our discussion included a quick history lesson on chechnya and the western misconceptions of that russian region take a look at one of the persons that in. the western world you need to understand is that chechnya is a part of russia certainly going back as you can six people russia has been attempting to were forced. into then doors russia is part of the soviet union couldn't be part of the russian writer and should you know. that connection with
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them so it was originally began with an independent oriented. with regard to the resistance to the russian federation the soviet union collapsed they certainly thought that was their opportunity russia has worked hard our to keep them in the russian federation and it wasn't until early one nine hundred ninety five when bin laden himself sent in kind of his top level people largely to try and again conscript the chechen to greater chechen cause for independence into the greater global jihad that al qaida was pursuing at that time and al qaida has continued to try and keep hold in that chechen conflict ever known john from what i've been hearing in the new doesn't really seem like u.s. intelligence agencies have previously been evaluating the chechen republic as a hotbed for american enemies obviously you're saying that al qaeda has been recruiting there well the fact that these two men came from the surrounding area
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changed the americans government's attitude toward the region and more specifically its military focus. of the u.s. government reacts and how the military reacts certainly didn't something that that i have in the real insight into i would say that since the collapse of the soviet union of december one thousand nine hundred one the united states has continued to deal with russian issues based on its old cold war paradigm and to a large degree the us originally came out in support of the chechen cause for independence it was in the enemy of my enemy is my friend paradigm and the russians continue to be perceived that is inherently bad inherently evil if you will going back to the soviet era and. the american perspective was that any group of people trying to rescue their independence from russia there must be good
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and significant measure of u.s. government was there were even to be expended providing politicos some of them do want to show to leaders who was at the time when they were indictment for terrorism in russia that was john guy the president of the archangel group an update for you now we are now learning that there is blood it spotted on the suspect we don't know how the wounds are where that blood came from anything like that we are still also hearing about the fire and isolated fire on that boat so we are going to continue to update you on the story as it continues to unfold but right now while the situation is hell on hold we want to turn now to west texas where state police officers are saying that twelve bodies have been recovered after a deadly explosion at the west fertilizer company those same officials are saying that sixty people are still missing and over two hundred have been injured as a result of that blast fifty homes were also destroyed in the process for the latest coming from texas arctic correspondent ramon galindo reports. flags are half
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staff here outside of the west fire department inside the scene is described as extremely sad as it's believed that some of the members of this fire department were the first victims of the deadly fertilizer plant explosion here in this tiny town of west texas today authorities have confirmed that a dozen people were killed in the blast more than two hundred people are injured and the search and rescue mission continues for first responders meantime a criminal investigation is being spearheaded by the a.t.f. the bureau of alcohol tobacco and firearms they just walked into this fire department a few minutes ago meanwhile the residents of central texas are trying to start over some businesses have reopened however many residents here still very anxious still very sad not knowing the whereabouts of their loved ones did you know when the people that responded to it initially all of you all of them just hadn't been able to hear back any of them let me. know the extent damage of the house it was just
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the windows were blown in on where i was at in the room my kids. saw i don't we don't know the extent of the damage just the house lifted up and. i grabbed my kids and we're headed out the door of the hallway in the room and time explosion and the windows blew in and everything we fell to the floor and we waited until it stopped we got up and i got my other daughter and my mom that was in the living room with my stepdad and we ran outside the house a smell like gas it's just it's just sad you see everybody's vehicle i mean either blowed up or their house gone i mean it's i mean it's just tragic and we were on here i mean there's still no thank days later neighbors are still recalling the frightening moments of the explosion many of them are still unable to return to their home meantime we're getting new reports that there may have been. serious safety violations at the fertilizer plant which exploded in recent years something
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that the a.t.f. and federal investigators will likely be looking into as they continue to figure out what it is that exactly been know in our couple of days that we've been here we've seen relief efforts come from around the country but neighbors that we spoke to know that the recovery effort will be a long term one. in west texas. r t well we want to go back to boston now where the scene is continuing to change as we just reported earlier today the police have the suspect surrounded they believe it is the suspect they are using thermal cameras to point it down they believe he is in a boat in the backyard of a certain building and that he is actually hiding in that boat we're also getting reports that that boat might be booby trapped which is why these police officers are being so cautious when it comes to this situation as i said the situation is constantly changing so the here with some of the updates is our correspondent on stasia charkha. on
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a stasia what are you hearing now megan as you just said we are hearing that the possible suspect is in fact said to be hiding on a dry docked boat as you said the police thousands of law enforcement that are currently in watertown trying to bring this situation to a close are being very very cautious because it is suspected that he might have certain explosive devices on him and they're being very careful in trying to lay their hands on this nineteen year old bombing suspect but they want to make sure he is alive when they get him because certainly the motives behind these bombings are very important for law enforcement to find out and honest also we also heard in the f.b.i. confirmed earlier today that they had actually questioned the older brother the twenty six year old brother who is now deceased on the of line two years ago back in two thousand and eleven what do you know about that. right megan this is a very curious detail and it's somewhat curious that it wasn't released earlier i
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mean the fact that in two thousand and eleven the older brother to middle on was questioned by the f.b.i. no less than by a foreign government on suspicious. suspicions that he might be related to some kind of extremist activity and that case ended and nothing he was released after being questioned by the f.b.i. we don't know what the foreign government was that demanded that this questioning take place but that is certainly something that's been confirmed earlier today no necessity i want to show the audience just how close all of these events are to one another in the boston area so if we can go ahead and show that as they it's basically within a very very tight radius as you can see here watertown is the location of the standoff that's currently under way the mit shoot out which happened last night where one of the suspects was actually killed happened just across the river really from where the boston marathon bombing happened now on
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a saturday you are where the boston marathon bombing original bombing actually happened describe the scene right now. well you know the scene right now is certainly calm down there is certainly media presence still here where the bombing took but the bombings took place on monday but all of the attention right now megan has been switched to watertown because just literally over an hour ago there were about a dozen shots fired that were heard in the surrounding area there were reports that a nearby whole nearby home possibly around ten people were evacuated that were close to the area where the possible suspect is currently believed to be in circles in by the police and all of the attention is there right now as we speak and the situation in boston the lockdown has been over people are certainly back out onto the streets but everybody is of course being very cautious especially in watertown which is really just minutes away from where we are now absolutely honest aasia and i understand that the town is no longer in lockdown and that the police officers
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are asking people to stay off the streets but there's no requirement anymore can you talk about that can you talk about have you talked to any of the people on the streets what are they saying about this. well megan that is certainly the case there is no longer a lockdown here in boston and in watertown officials of course are because there is an extremely dangerous situation right unraveling right now as we speak there asking people not to go out on the streets and certainly here the boston because people are aware that you know it's obviously all over every single network that what is going on right now in watertown here in boston people are just waiting to hear what happens and they want to see justice brought to two to life they want this person captured they want to find out what the motives were behind these two bombings that took place on monday afternoon here in boston and they want to see this nineteen year old be brought to justice and on a saucy oh we can't take a look at these suspects without taking a critical look and really remembering the victims of this tragedy of both
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tragedies so i do want to talk about them just a little bit here are the victims that have died in this incident so far one of them was eight year old boston resident martin richard and there was also twenty nine year old krystle campbell and then also chinese national lu they were the three souls that actually perished that day now last night around ten thirty pm twenty six year old patrol officer sean collier was found dead in his police cruiser he is believed to have been shot and killed by the suspects from the boston bombing so are we learning anything else about these victims or at this point or is all the attention right now focused on the nineteen year old locked up in this boat . certainly attention has switched to the nineteen year old as this lockdown continues because this has been something that everybody has been waiting for since monday to find out who this person is to try to have law
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enforcement catch him but in terms of the victims you know yes it is very sad because this is a case that involves deaths of very young people the eight year old boy the twenty nine year old woman the twenty three year old chinese student who was here studying in boston i mean certainly and also we have to remember the victims who were injured it was a whole over one hundred seventy five people. in terms of what we know up until last night as many as over a dozen people were in critical condition and several dozen people remained in hospitals and sadly in some cases people had to have follow up operations even after having had amputations carried out certainly as the aftermath of the bombings is just outrageous and it's something that's really scared people made them sad here in this town of boston that's never seen anything like this before and certainly people want to see justice and whether or not there's justice will take place or might end in the death of the suspect that's what we're going to have to find out and obviously a lot of the media attention
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a lot of our attention right now is being focused on this nineteen year old man who is locked up allegedly in a boat. in watertown but we do want to stress the importance of focusing on the victims as well now finally after nine eleven actually i'm sorry we're going to have to end it there thank you so much for your reporting artie correspondent. and that's going to do it for now for more on the stories we cover go to youtube dot com slash our to america for the very latest on the boston bombing suspects and as well as the west texas oil excuse me explosion go ahead and go to our web site r c dot com slash usa i'll see you right back here tomorrow.
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on the road to basser this morning the u.s. army is beginning to withdraw from iraq. in december twentieth after nine years of occupation the last american troops are finally leaving the country. every gun got in it but if you have a little bit members of the iraqis anger towards the departing innovators who once
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dreamed of being liberators the departure resembles abandonment and escape despite the optimistic speeches. you sleep. a little.
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april twenty twelve and i'm back in iraq and so on the border with turkey. i have an appointment this morning with the lebanese taxi. family the united states said they would make a democracy out of iraq in the heart of the arab world but iraq i see today is a country on the brink of chaos torn between three groups kurds sunnis and shias. it is a country divided a stranger to peace that i'm about to cross a taxi ride to the heart of iraqi history.
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from a hole in the north travelled down through l b let some ammonia. tikrit volusia baghdad babylon. and. a road map of the iraqi tragedy. serve obviously i'm delighted the americans have finally left iraq as much as we are rockies are very happy not to see that here anymore enough was enough the americans occupied us so we hate them like they lean here in iraq they killed in creating the conditions for chaos they are responsible for the whole tragedy of them and of course we were living in peace and they came to destroy our country and us over of all of us of the. journey begins on the mountains of iraqi kurdistan. an army of two hundred thousand soldiers called peshmerga watch over this rather particular region of
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a country. that . jeff. was. my first stop is an l.b.o. the capital of iraqi kurdistan is the only region of iraq today that is seeing peace and an economic boom the miracle of being made possible by the discovery of oil on kurdish territory. from. time dominated by baghdad and saddam hussein kurdistan dreams of achieving autonomy. the first customer the first passenger on our trip is a member of the new kurdish parliament. but just you know in iraq we can say that oil has always been
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a curse. but today in kurdistan that's changing. foreign oil companies are coming here to work with. the revenues of finally being used for reconstruction of what negative it's a huge difference for us as in saddam's times we never benefited from the oil money or would he have any of this that i don't know that yet either he went so it's quite simple we could spend four where iraqis can wear them out i think they're very rapidly as soon as we have been able to create a stable basis for building a country ninety nine percent of people will vote for independence with. no one to one or the people who want their own country a country called could stand looking at it as that they want their own passport but this now could i suppose you could stand.
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a land of trafford's kurdistan is discovering well through its oil a nightmare for baghdad which had long controlled with the resources and riches. without driver khalid we had east towards the mountains along the border with around. driving through abandoned villages i feel like i'm visiting cemeteries. passenger ahmed is a survivor today he's on a pilgrimage paying tribute to the dead. one thousand nine hundred eight during the fall or military campaign waged by saddam against the kurds my village was completely destroyed. and some of the inhabitants would be ported to southern iraq and locked up in the terrible
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new grass on one prison counter. many women children and men were massacred and thrown into mass graves. the kurds have always dreamed of independence saddam hussein decided to eliminate the problem once and for all. his cousin to go down in history as chemical ali was in charge of the repression. on march sixteenth one thousand nine hundred eight his helicopters dropped bombs loaded with toxic gas over kurdish villages. one hundred thousand civilians were killed and three thousand villages were raised the kurds rebellion was crushed. here in the villages the peshmerga who didn't built up supply. anyone opposed to
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saddam could seek refuge here. so the regime began by attacking the villages. burning gassing and destroying the villages meant controlling kurdistan. lunch is like a homage to the victims on the menu adamah stuffed vegetables prepared by a mets wife. a sunny like saddam hussein my driver hell it is. he didn't know or didn't want to know the terrible truth. look i'll show you the house where i was born yeah here on this hill where we're a city is like a memorial to the village as it was before the tragedy it was here that the villagers came together every evening to talk to play backgammon and listen to the radio. i leave a comment to mourn and commemorate his loved ones. we continue towards the east and kirkuk the former capital of kurdistan today on iraqi territory.
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but so what if that god be praised i'm not scared when the region was under american control i was afraid about it but as soon as the iraqi police and army took over things got much better if the americans didn't know the region they were afraid and trigger happy and they didn't hesitate to fire at anyone who approached them passenger foreign or anyone with. this road has seen a lot of drama how many times did the american shoot down iraqis here for no reason . through the windscreen the first iraqi checkpoint appears it's time to lower the camera and film or discretely. that. for centuries pilgrims came here to gather around the eternal flames.
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the kurds would dearly love to reclaim the city the former capital of baghdad is unwilling to lose such a profitable treasure. one term to a majority of kurds who today is a mix of turkmen arabs kurds and christians a veritable ethnic powder keg. so i went to. this morning's planters around occurred but they're not workers who can kurdistan's independence he would pay with his own blood. has to become part of kurdistan and it's vital here bonded by blood it to go to them but them they can kill us and shoot at us but he won't change anything we are linked to kurdistan allows them in syria we cannot live outside of kurdistan it
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would be like dying. my brother we are invited to a restaurant. might i cannot let you go without inviting me i am a kurd and hospitality is a custom with us look at their mood you can continue your journey after the mail. i swear before god let us come to the restaurant with me you are welcome when you're . away of course. for khaled it's time to pray. and for us to eat the. as we enter the village a few peace men appear as an escort. i would say to watch as they say to protect us . and so i pay for everyone's meal is a kind of friendly tax. was. it said that care could be one of the world's richest cities it is certainly one of the most dangerous.
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but discreet and ordinary heroin saima who is a kurd investor are opposed and fortune in the opening of a private school a generous act which has attracted envious attention don't let. this man i'm terrified of so little if i do the day after not fact was broadcast still to promote the school to physio i got a telephone call i would give a board and. they said oh yes there's a lot of hobby hello about any hello how do you know why nothing could have if it is simple. and then introduced himself as a member of a terrorist organization and demanded money. and my colleagues were terrorized. rather like close the school for a month and then i said we have to open it again we can't just give in. we have to work still life has to go on. that. neither the terrorists nor anyone
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else can stop me from working as a pistol only god is the master of my destiny. here is mitt romney trying to figure out the name of that thing that we americans call a dog. i'm sorry i'm just a guy who cares an awful lot of my country music stars are you know what i did my hair sounds good i want to give us a defeat terrorism be on limbaugh but just because you're good at it. you know the corporate media distracts us from what you and i should care about because they're profit driven industry that sells the facials that garbage because that breaking news i'm happy martin and we're going to break that.
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you know how sometimes you see a story and it seems so for lengthly you think you understand it and then you glimpse something else and you hear or see some other part of it and realize that everything you thought you knew you don't know i'm tom hartman welcome to the big picture. when we reach most sued the second biggest city in iraq it has been locked down by the army. the previous night two bombs went off in the suit. i have to negotiate with the military chiefs for three hours before they let me in.
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across what appears to be a dead sitting on the edge today mosul is in party mode. my name is on about i'm a law student today is a festival the university day that's why we can see all the troops they're here to protect us. the situation is very difficult the country is undergoing a wave of anonymous attacks and assassination my dream is quite simple i just want to live in an iraq that's safe and peace it's a magnificent country mustn't forget that it was once respectfully known as mesopotamia the land between two rivers i dream of peace. but peace seems impossible. the americans have gone but now kurds shias and sunnis battle for control of the city even the mosques are under military protection the internet in killing goes on in the name of allah. a leave muscle with no regrets.
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this road fraught with danger can also hold certain surprises and. stops to help a friend even in iraq one can run out of petrol. it's hilarious we have the world's second biggest oil reserves and we're short of petrol and gas. were reduced to filling up on the black market at exorbitant prices. common sense would suggest that petrol was available in quantity and free perhaps not free but not too expensive anyway. but john. as soon as we arrived on the outskirts of tikrit saddam hussein's former stronghold where arrested by the police i have the feeling we were expected. after
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a few hours of questioning were put under house arrest in a hotel and forbidden from going out. the situation eases the following afternoon when we're granted two hours of freedom but we're still under close surveillance. the next man who joins us in the taxi is in mourning his name's fire deal he's a journalist and he lost his best friends just two days ago. but god will save iraq a little. sorry. he had to draw your they want to make iraq a wretched country a glow get there not be. a glow in the assassinate the best among us the terrorist who kills a journalist like my colleague at the news channel who kills a religious man behind an academic or teacher certainly doesn't do it for religious
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reasons it's obvious he does it mostly for money because our religion does not tolerate all these crimes the only motive for these crimes is money and they're ordered from outside to kill our best people have any of us. in the city center the mosque still bears the name of the man who built it was saddam hussein i deal is come to pay a final homage to his murdered friend i am on april second two thousand and twelve . a holiday in a journalist for a local t.v. station was killed instantly when his car exploded. i am. i'm a relaxing evening along the banks of the tigris overseen by the palace of the local hero sadam. saddam was always surrounded by members of his own tribe and many
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here miss the man who built a sunni state much to their advantage. to kill injure or kill him. americans didn't come here to look for weapons of mass destruction or to hunt down saddam hussein they came to rob us and to kill us with a sheet iraq that was a unified country but at the moment when they arrived the americans that triggered divisions by creating ethnic conflicts just you know this very well. they destroyed everything and then they left but they don't in reality they're still here they make people think they've gone but they're still present their aim is to create discord in iraq with all my other self but. as we leave tikrit we come to a village the heart of saddam hussein's kingdom where he was finally caught.
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on december fourteenth two thousand and three saddam was captured at dawn in his hideout in a farmyard a miserable rattle two meters underground. disheveled and distraught he surrendered to the american forces. in his possession were two kalashnikovs and seven hundred fifty thousand dollars. ponzi. colorado's taxis a gas guzzler and we need more petrol. that it was here. we seek out the black market power business which fills the coffers of a few politicians civil servants and terrorist groups to. the oil money benefits everyone apart from the iraqi people. not.
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enough of. the temperature hits my. in forty degrees on the machines a cool down with a hose. for the men it's time to wash and pray before sitting down for a meal. that surprised by my presence but soon opened up. for the sunny customers the whole affair was an american manipulation. movement the greek word kuwait plays a key role in the arab world and. the americans used the country to trap saddam theory i mean. how did the horde they set the bait up and he took it up well it was a prearranged ambush. it's time to leave and head for lucia
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khaled doesn't like stopping for too long. kidnappings are frequent here and for the criminal gangs everyone has a price probably including me. the killing in the kidnappings may be motivated by political or religious convictions but increasingly simply for profit. i've lost count of the checkpoints along the way but the controls this morning seem interminable. i don't know who this v for victory sign is aimed at as we finally enter the ravaged city of fallujah. and the new jo-jo was the scene of one of the most violent american offensives. a g.i. summerlee killed youngsters and whole families here yani him last carry
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a collision think of a. but they blew up ours and caused a lot of fatalities. is the most ravaged city in iraq of them annoy you know yes that's the america. the heat is unbearable and the motor is overheating the local grocer helps us to cool it. he's a man driven by anger he experienced the battle of fallujah at first hand and how hard it was watch i would have the you call that democracy now it's quite simply about killing and stealing are well thought of all lands with burnt from the effects of the white phosphorous bombs and now our children are gone disfigured. heads that are not what they are so beloved all the god living with us go and see the hospitals and you'll see mothers throwing away their babies deform the by all
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the chemical weapons that's how i'm the only and that i could do if there's justice in the world bush will have to answer for his war crimes and crimes against humanity he claimed iraq had weapons of mass destruction but where were they these weapons. before let me although i do know that there was a killer using white phosphorous bomb while the mamma said not even the mosque was safe from his barbarity look at the ruined minarik well now that's bush's democracy and the judge only allowed them about the other bullshit i be at. on nov seventh two thousand for a deluge of on fire rains down on the city of two hundred mosques. to die it was a last stronghold for al qaeda he didn't. twelve thousand marines three hundred tanks and a hundred or so helicopters were launched against for. the biggest urban battle in iraq was underway.
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the american victory was total the casualty figures speak for themselves one hundred american soldiers were killed and on the iraqi side it's estimated there were between four and five thousand victims most of them civilians. the battle left a city in ruins where death continue to take its toll. in their offensive it's thought the u.s. troops used white phosphorous bombs and depleted uranium weapons banned by all international conventions.
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our new passenger is not administrator at the general hospital. since the battle of fallujah ended has kept records of the children born with congenital malformation. for him there's no doubt the americans were responsible for this tragedy. for me the administrator's office becomes an empty chamber of horus. up i looked at the war is far from over in fact it's still going on for the stigmata rivera and their evolving in two thousand and five we noted the spectacular increase in genetic malformations a new born babies out of the. voters
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only show a tiny part of the reality just for the month of january we recorded forty three cases yat. potentially deadly blizzard taking aim for the northeast it's expected to hit stunning in a few hours from new york to maine we have team coverage of the storm. but we're watching is the very heavy snow moving into boston proper clear today it was very sticky you can see it start to become much more patrie down the line there's still a lot of snow out here a good place for snowball fight. piece and it is going to be pretty incredible day there and even record snowfall throughout what's been like bilbies luxury drug dealer system urgency fear exceptions.
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free. free. free. free free. free. free. free book deal for your media drug free video done to our teeth dot com. thank you for joining us for our special coverage of the boston bombing manhunt tonight it is nine pm here in washington d.c. i'm megan lopez and you are watching our t.v.
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now literally just moments ago the boston police department have confirmed that nineteen year old dzhokhar. was the suspect who was arrested in the standoff he was arrested just moments ago he is alive conscious and in police custody immediately after he was arrested there was a round of applause on the scene and an ambulance was called over the police scanner is for the suspect now for the latest information from the stand let's go now to ana stasia charkha she is in boston at the scene where all this began at the finishing line of the boston marathon on associate let's talk about the latest developments he was or he was arrested right megan not after really what seems like an eternity considering these bombings took place monday afternoon we can in fact confirm that just minutes ago the boston police did announce through a tweet actually but for their confirmations have followed that in fact nineteen year olds your hearts are naive has been arrested he is in fact alive after what
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was a.


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